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RE: How to stop comforting yourself with food

Hmm.. alright. Food isn't always bad, if you dont eat you'll gain it all back when you do eat more regularirily again. Sorry bout the spelling. Anyway, now imagine this... You have adema and cant have regular amounts of salt or you'll retain water, you have too low or high of a thyroid gland, and you got hit by a train and gained 60 lbs. in your coma. I have a friend that went through this and her lung callapsed and everything. She used to eat normally but now she eats maybe once daily if that. So never turn towards smoking a ciggarette every time your hungery so you dont munch on something because it's just not worth it. Just know that someday it will all work out and be greatfull that your not on all these different meds and have a thyroid problem with a brain injury and realize how fortunate you truely are.

RE: Observe His Body Language for Signs He is Falling for You

all said in this post is so very for the signs its a big eye opener.blushing

RE: Can Women Be Funny?

No matter what men might say I believe they are threatened by a funny woman..yes they may like it for a short time but they become somewhat limited in their ability to laugh at themselves..and lets face it women have an uncanny knack of cutting to the chase..whilst we can and do laugh at ourselves its a rare man that can...

RE: Tweaking Your Online Dating Profile to Attract Single Women

Uhmmm... nope, doesn't work. Actually nothing works as far as it goes. Since oh about 1994 (starting on the Houston Matchmaker BBS system, before it even became a website) I think I've tried pretty much everything there is to try, and I've averaged a little less than 1 single movie and dinner date per year. Ok, a lot less probably. help Unless you're a single guy looking to date obese women, or pregnant women who's boyfriends just dumped them, it's pretty much mission impossible in my experience. I wish I knew a better way, I really really do... moping

RE: How to Dress to Attract a Man: A Guide for Women over 40

i totally agree that a woman over 40 shouldn't dress mutton to look like lamb, but please ladies if you want fashion advise do it in a shop or boutique with taste not the chain stores, the so called fashion advisers are only people that need a salary, and do not do it for the love of the job. I speak of experience

RE: Who Pays?

Well this is an interesting issue. Women have fought so hard for all this equality but it seems they don't really like certain aspects of equality, like just maybe having to do and pay just like men have usually had to....... If we REALLY want equality then the rest should theoretically go right along with it, after all it's only fair isn't it? This picking and choosing what you like out of the "equality" issue and ditching what you don't is rather hypocritical don't you think ladies? I'm an egalitarian and believe in true equality in ALL respects. That means in responsibility and such as well. Due to my egalitarian nature I do not like or tolerate double standards no matter how lame the excuse is. I prefer to pay for the date as I am a tad bit old fashioned about certain things HOWEVER it get really annoyed when it's either expected or demanded of me just by dent of my gender. I feel that I should at least either be asked or offered a sharing of the tab. I hate double standards and that attitude in what is supposed to be an equal society is not acceptable. Y'all wanted equality so bad then you should take be held to the same rules as you expect of us men. To say or do otherwise makes one a hypocrite.

Think for a moment how you would feel if us men also held you ladies to certain old fashioned expectations and demands, like maybe acting like a lady in public or being feminine or in minding your tongue (or whatever other goofy item).... would y'all "really" like that too????? Double standards really suck don't they????

Yes, I may prefer to pay on a date but if a woman expects it or demands it there won't be a second date because she will have told me right there and then that she believes that double standards are ok and the future of a relationship with a woman like that is a sure fire indicator of abuses coming up. (btw, that's experience and observation talking)

RE: Who Pays?

Javalover is a real gentelman despite his young age and will no doubt have great success with women! wish him the best of luck!

RE: 5 Dating Tips For Guys

Of course none of this is etched in stone and most of it is probably horsecrap!!

RE: Find out if he is in love by reading his body language clues

What a delightful article! After reading this I realized how lucky I am to have a BF who does all of these things...I feel all fluttery now.smitten heart wings

RE: The Ten Worst Presidents

Jimmy Carter will forever be my most admired president. For he did what he said he would do.

RE: Do You Know Who St. Patrick Was?

The common myth is that St Patrick brought Christianity to a land of pagans. I wonder how many people find that incongruous that he first learned of Christianity when he was a slave in Ireland? It obviouslly had to have been there before he arrived.

Truth of the matter is that there was Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Ireland long before Patrick, as many pre-Roman Christian churches in the country are testimony to. What Patrick brought to Ireland was ROMAN Catholocism, and not
Christianity per-se.

The old Gaelige word for Christ is Iosa, (pronounced Eesa), and in old Hebrew, (only used in the East), the original word for Christ is Eesa. There are correlations too in our ceremonies and symbolisms in the early Christian church that only correlate with Eastern Doctrines and practices from early Christian times.

What Patrick brought to Ireland was control of the masses by Rome to bring it in line with the Christian church in England.

RE: How to Cure a Broken Heart

Indeed this is a help. Little else is...

RE: The Dilemma of Broken Engagements

Great thread. Very, very relevant topic to lots of us here on CS. Really well made points, and ultimately sound advice.
Thanks to whoever thanks is due.

RE: First Date Dos and Don'ts

Good advice, but I would add for ladies, "If you choose a cafe etc, then why not arrange for a couple of friends to be at another table - far enough away not to here what is said, but near enough to give you the confidence of not being alone with a strange man".

RE: Who Pays?

I think that the man should always pay. It is the mans responsibility to make the women happy.

RE: Letting Go of a Relationship Without Losing Your Mind

Whilst I agree with the vast majority of the sentiments expressed, not everyone can make the decision about no more contact. What about children? and pets? and maybe the idea that because two people have fallen out of love doesn't mean they don't want to be friends.

My wife and I separated in Oct '08 but are good friends who still talk, and long may that continue. Neither of us would wish to be excluded from the lives of the other, or our children for that matter.

Separating was difficult, and we were both hurt, after twenty years it's never going to be easy. But we owed it to each other to make the process as painless as possible.

I know two relationships are never going to be alike and I don't advocate either staying together or keeping in contact if there's any abusive behaviour, but it can be made as painless as possible if both parties accept the fact that things have come to an end.


RE: Ten Signs He Really Loves You

I came across this list and read it.....For many years I thought there could never be a man out there who fit just a small amout of these qualities...and yet because of connecting singles I found my soon to be husband who met all ten qualities and has created a list all his own, keep looking singles your match is out there and you will be able to read this passage and say the same......Thank you Connecting Singles.....

RE: Ten Signs He Really Loves You

I have found in my 48 yrs, all these things to be very acurate, I have spent much time studing Love and relationships, a 6 month Biblical study of love , Marriage , Divorice, Bound , under bondage, watched a few Tapes on relationships, and I am not perfect about it, tho studying about relationships has taught me so much! wish more people would take the time to do thisuh oh

But many wont have any part of learning , and wonder why things dont work for them, Study Now will help you keep the right one when you finally find them.
hotrodlarrysteddybear sad flower

RE: Tips on How to Flirt

remember flirting is also shown by touching one another at time ,for example: on the arm ,if sitting on the hand get the picture?

RE: Who Pays?

I believe the couple has the same responsability in all they do. Both of them have to to project their style of life. The men or wamen have change many way to think about the responsability in a house, in the life and the point of view. It´s not possible in this century we have anachronistic thoughts.

However, everyone must take their precautions so that no one abused the other.

RE: Who Pays?

IF HE DON'T HE IS A CHEAP a**!!!!rolling on the floor laughing

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