This is a list of random comments on All Articles - ordered by date. Click on the article title to view the article. Click here to create an Article.


RE: Telltale Signs that Someone is Lying

Nonsense. You obviously haven't met a good liar, yet. laugh

RE: Letting Go of a Relationship Without Losing Your Mind

Thank you goes to the author who wrote this article.. Having been down this track... everything you wrote is so true....


RE: Online Dating Site Scammers: 5 Signs You May Be Flirting With One

I have dealt with a few of these scammers. I have even reported them to this site. Yet your Site Admin stated that there was no proof. I state otherwise.

there are additional signs that the person you are dealing with is a scammer.

a.) spelling errors...grave obvious ones.

b.) broken and run on sentences

c.) in ability to operate their scam in the correct time zone and/or day. for example: saying that today is a holiday when it is not

d.) verbatim repetition of previous statements made in an earlier email.

And there are many more.

I suggest the following:
1.) when a person reports a profile as a scammer and provides information, the Admin should forward that information to the alleged scammer and request clarification, stating if a response is not forthcoming that they will receive 1 black mark against their profile and the Admin requires that they provide a response to the allegation. 2 black marks equal deletion from this site. A real person will respond. A scammer will not. Keep this "program" internal and do not post it as a method for site users to utilize. Just require detailed information from the accuser....make a list of information the Admin requires..i.e. a copy of the email and any previous contact info, and a detailed explanation. Then the Admin can contact the alledged scammer, identify themselves and request clarification. Kind of like mediation.

The profile I submitted was from a definite scammer yet your Site Admin failed to see this. Stating no proof when proof was supplied.

the only way your site is going to be cleared of scammers is if your Administration of this site is strict, straightforward, upfront, honest and hard.

Scammers will get the message.

RE: Online Dating Site Scammers: 5 Signs You May Be Flirting With One

I would like to add that many now use software to attach video to webcam.Is to re-assure you that you can see them on cam and confirm that the photo is of them....wrong! You shall hear no volume so is better to ask them do something visible such as hold up 3 fingers left hand. Always they seem to want to share photos..very dangerous as if is attached a virus or keylogger too late once receive. I advise all as a matter of staying safe to review your options in messenger as well as your computer to make sure not set to accept automatically and to set to scan all files with anti-virus/apyware programe and the default setting for windows is to accept remote help, though needs a password it is dangerous so just turn it off, if need help, remote security providers etc will instruct you how.Have a safe time surfing and stay safe!:)

RE: Become the Alpha Wolf: The Ten LIES That Will Make You a Better Man

Are you serious?, you lie to be an alpha in-front of a woman!.. You cannot lie to a woman about being an alpha or not.. They will scan you and will smell your lies.. This is hard-wired in them. They will know if you are an alpha or not before even you have a chance to open you mouth..

RE: The Ten Worst Presidents

G.W. Bush is a no-brainer in terms of being the worst, but I miss Reagan. The man blatantly said that he doesn't care about the poor and that he intends to implement a new world order (which he did) and we're feeling the consequences today, as successive presidents have merely expanded on his ideology.

RE: How to Give Your Boyfriend Requested Space

no need to explain the need for "space," but there is the need to understand that any such "request" means I'm free to see other people while he's unavailable - it's automatic - u want space - I am sleeping around if I so choose....c'est la viewink

RE: What Does It Mean to Be Tolerant?... Has it changed?

I wish more members would read this, as there is very little tolerance on certain threads in my opinion. Insults abound and very little is done about it.

I guess if the truth be known nothing will change, as this is a multi cultural site with many differences between people,countries, and religion.

Lessons for us all to learn.

RE: Review of The Hunger Games: the movie

wasn,t bad not as good as the book though but it was still very entertaining

RE: What Does It Mean to Be Tolerant?... Has it changed?

What no comments ! Hmmm the 1st nail armstrong on the noon ,well sound logic and at the same time confusing like a which way anywhere direction sign!
To be or not to be ? There is no right or wrong here just everybody is right and nobody wrong? Or everybody is right and wrong in their view ?
I see neverending conclusion here least i'm the 1st human to comment ! :) ;-) peace

RE: Ten Signs He Really Loves You

@ wannabeinlove

* Love yourself just as really as you love another. This is the love you are then able to also share.

* Live in the present. If it's happening, it's real.

* Live without fear. Fear can destroy all things, including yourself, another person, a relationship, a family. Watch for feelings of fear, we all suffer from it, and take steps to replace it with peace, acceptance and love. Meditation can help immensely with this.

* There are many reasons a relationship may change in ways you may prefer did not happen, and which may not involve a lack of integrity on the part of another. In some cases there is nothing we can do about it, so again our love of self, and management of fear, are the best defences against feelings of loss.

I feel your predicament. It is exquisite, almost bitter-sweet; the razor's edge between unspeakable pleasure (though you did a fine job describing your predicament, beautiful to read) and wracking pain. Walk it with grace and enjoy the moments, it is these moments that enrich our lives, we can never "possess" them.

RE: How To Get A Second Date With A Hot Girl

"RULE #2: Ask her lots of questions about herself, even if you really don’t care."

should be...

"RULE #2: Ask her lots of questions about herself, but only if you actually care."

The article's title is also cynical and in poor taste.

It's bad enough that those tempted to behave in such a self-serving predatory manner have already been deceived by their experiences into believing that the results can be anywhere nearly as rewarding as honest and sincere relationship, but the act of actually submitting others to such deception and manipulation is nothing short of a social crime.

Many other articles here (admittedly, I've only read a small sample) seem to take a much better line in regards to desirable social responsibilities, but this article immediately stood out in being so inappropriate.

RE: Religion and Dating: How to Make An Interfaith Relationship Work

I have a different opinion when talking of religion and faith.
Like in my situati0n, i'm a Muslim. If a non-muslim man wants to marry me he is obliged to become a Muslim first and give dowry. Because a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry or live together with a n0n-muslim man. The same goes for Muslim man. It is HARAM for us to live with a person who is not a Muslim.
But in the name of LOVE religion is n0t an obstacle. We can follow the HALAL RULES to make our lives happy & satisfied.

RE: Dating With Positivity

Very great article.everyone should read this article once who is using dating site.

RE: Ten Signs He Really Loves You

Two months ago I met a man who is just amazing, fun-loving and quite the intelligent rascal! He lives an hour away, comes out to see me here, makes sure we have time spent in open spaces as well as in public with plenty of talking time....

I could not ask for more. He loves to dance, makes sure I am comfortable, and he loves to LISTEN. He told me in the beginning, that I listen to him and that I remember everything, that he was shocked and impressed. He related also that listening is the key to understanding and being heard. Wow. A guy like this? Yep.

We have had long dates, once a week, for 8 weeks now. Last week he told me he loved me . . . looking straight into my eyes, addressing me by my first name, too. I , just, went whirly-gig.

I was falling in love with him, but didn't know if or when to say anything, you know? I am 46, been through life's gauntlet, and just gave up. Then along comes Mr. Wonderful, loving, gentle, flirty, intelligent, smiles all the time, never takes his eyes off me, when we walk, he has my hand or a hand around my waist in the most loving manner. No, he's not a weirdo. We skype each night for a couple hours, and keep in contact throughout the day. We are so alike in our thinking, movements, preferences, it shocks the both of us. Unreal. When we walk and I stop to look in a window, he stops to see what interests me each time, and after I keep walking, I notice in the window's reflections that he took an extra note of the shop name and what was in the window. ?????

He is coming in a few hours to pick me up, take me out to breakfast, go to the beach, and take me for dinner-dancing til late. alllll day. Know what he said when we were hanging up on skype?
"Oh... I will sleep 7 hours, get up, walk the dog, shower, pack the car, and come out to see you. I will leave the house by 8.30. Oh, gosh, I want to see you so much. I can't believe today is already here, been a week. Each day goes so slow at work, I can't wait for them to be over so I can see you. "

He makes my tummy all full of butterflies, his too. He wants to know if i am okay after a discussion of any sort, watches my face. Always calmly sits down next to me...listening intently, doing the mental information math. Incredible.

Yes we are in love, I just don't know what I did to deserve this man to seamlessly enter my life, become my best friend, and all the wonderful things he does to me, he gets right back.

I want to show him. He takes me out so late in the night, and then drives back over an hour back home, so I got him a room for tomorrow so he can stay and leave in the morning. I live with parents again for a bit while starting over, and this man does not care!

Is there something I am not seeing here? Hate the old adage, but if it's too good to be true... well, but he's wonderful.


How can I show him how much I love him? Im just.... speechless. He's melted all the ice crystals around my heart...........

RE: Why Women Pick the Bad Guys.

I totally agree with this article .I am a good guy and i ever try to be more sincere and faithful in my relationships but i am rejected by females ever.I,m always surprised ,why women prefer bad guys and attracted to them?I tried to be a bad guy to attract women but i failed due to my nature.Now i am 42 years old but don,t have any girlfriend and i am disappointed that no female want me because women want evil and bad guys.Women ever blame on men that they are flirt but they never think about their poor choice.All men are not flirt it,s a result of their own choice.They suffer from their own selection.

RE: Who Pays?

actually I usually offer to share at some point

but honestly with gentleman above who is so concerned about equality be honored.....I have also said many times OK, equality it is - then I will pay for 50% of the dates when HE does 50% of the housework

RE: 4 Things to Keep in Mind When Dating Your Friend's Ex

I think we should date whomever we choose - I would date a friend's ex if I were certain it was over and it had been for some time

but not be his rebound woman....if she was a close friends I'd wait preferably until some healing time had passed from her break up

outside of that it's no one's business who I date

RE: teen pregnancy is it all that bad?

I presume “too wrong” is not right to use for this discussion here but I rather suggest “too early” is appropriate. I say this because arguably it’s not wrong to be pregnant at a teenage age; teenagers may think pregnant at a very young age is still alright as it is their right of choice but we matured adults think otherwise. I’ve noticed one pregnant teenage say such in order to hide her guilt or shame knowing that teenage pregnancy is too early as she was not capable.
But these teenagers don’t realize the most important facts why matured adults are always against teenage pregnancy. In addition to Nets comments; these kids need to know the hard road that lies ahead, you need to have an income and be financially independent, a home and be mentally matured to raise a child, you got be prepared, it’s not an easy life as they may think. It is a big ask to raise a kid at teenage and is a huge responsibility and a hard task.
Such unwanted teenage pregnancy come about for many reasons and most I think don’t have the intention and don’t purposely get pregnant and girls are more cautious about teenage pregnancy than young boys.
Other times it is very sad to know it is through rape and abuse from within their own families and the young girls are innocent; in such cases decisions to except or to go for an abortion are very emotional and difficult to make. The young innocent mother to be will certainly be psychologically affected for the rest of her life, either by accepting or rejecting the pregnancy and seeing the child grow or recalling.
To that young girl who choice to be a mother of the child to come I salute you for your courageous decision to have the child. I like what you said “I decided it’s going to be hard but what may it be, am having this child” Good to know you already know what lies ahead.
You are a young mother to be; It’s not so easy to raise a child all alone with no other support, you have made a decision that will change your life, it is not the life that you had dreamt of. You will face challenges, you will feel the pain, the suffering but be strong, have faith and trust in yourself, you can do things against all odds.
May God Bless, guide and protect you and your baby to come.
I wish you all the best!!!

RE: teen pregnancy is it all that bad?

It's not that you do not have the right to choose, it's just that us older folks know the hard road that lies ahead, and sometimes if you are better prepared for it, i.e. with an income, a home, etc to provide for your child, it is the better option to take. Having a child is the biggest responsibility you will ever have; you don't own the child, you are it's guardian and it's keeper, provider and educator, and to be the best in these areas, it sometimes helps to be a little older, a little wiser and a little more settled.

As for this girl being raped, there are strong psychological issues at play here, and perhaps in time she may come to resent the child which could pose as a constant reminder of what happened to her.

Abortion is a physical act, but there are emotional and psychological and yes, financial, reasons to consider all options first. Not an easy choice to make.

I commend her for standing by her decision, and I hope she is strong of moral character also to ensure the best for the innocent bundle she has coming.

Take care,

RE: Benefits of Dating Someone Less Attractive

some less attractive profiles are fake and stolen pics.scammers are not so stupid and are like virus,they are flexible,adopting new strategies..they can only be detected by cultural errors or
emails tracing back..

RE: What Are The Health Benefits of Green Tea?

green tea is a super food for sure so is all other teas applause applause

RE: Emotional Devastation of being Romanced Scammed.

Thank you for your wonderful article. I consider it both interesting and edifying. It gives people a better understanding of such a common but sordid crime as scamming. Any internet user may have an encounter with con artists and it is very important to know how to protect yourself from their tricks.First of all you should honour your intuition. If you experience any uncomfortable, nagging feelings, hesitation, doubt, persistent thoughts etc. you should listen to them, because this is your intuition at work and it is always right. I'd also like to say that miracles still happen but they are very rare. So it is not reasonable to start a new relationship with a person who is much younger than you.

RE: Is He Into Me? How to Read the Clues

Just I love it....loool HE is INTO ME and I have NO CLUE head banger

RE: A Christian Perspective of True Love

we as humans are just selfish and we want instant love

To find a compatible partner is most difficult these days ,

Even Christians are selfish and want more .

this bible verse is lovely , but to live to is difficult we are flawed

and the world is taking over .

patience in a relationship is essential ,anger is destructive , kindness is being loving
living in truth thats a real test for everyone

grey streak

RE: A Christian Perspective of True Love

My personal view on this as a christian is we are looking for the holistic person not just a quick fling. If we are truly christians then a lot more time is spent being honest about what we are looking for in a relationship beacause unlike the new age realationships its not taken lightly as divorce is frowned upon. So hopefully one would think date and if not compatible to finish the relationship before it gets too serious.I enjoyed reading this and agree.

RE: 15 Tips to Help Your Long Distance Relationship Survive

I totally agree with all the advice.I had a long distance relationship as my man was at sea. I looked forward to the letters and little surprises in the mail. Before there were computers and it only took a click of a button to see each other. The big thing is trust and making sure you stay in constant contact and have turns about going to visit each other.

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