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RE: How to Break Up With Your Girlfriend

I agree with these ideas 100% Very good helpful hints, I only wish my wife and I had taken these ideas, maybe it would've ended differently for us, there would definitely ended the relationship then and there, and would've ended the question what if...and should we think about a possible reconciliation.

Thanks...your suggestions were very helpful.

RE: Are You Pushing Your Man into the Arms of Another Woman?

Mine was bipolar, which I didn't realize when we were dating, two personalities, she could get mean, violent, which she did after it was too late, we were married, also she was controlling too, and her family, her own kids and grandchildren, which expanded after we married, only had one when we dated, married her, her daughters were single mothers, she had them over too often, and her 3 grandkids were unruly and noisy as well, it seemed my wife was always babysitting...I couldn't take it, plus her mean behaviour as well, she got mad when I said she should visit her daughters there, she would go, but wouldn't come back when she was supposed to.

A combination of those things and my behaviour of not doing the wild things she liked to do virtually ended our marriage, we're separated now, there's 4 more grandkids there now, that virtually ends any hope of reconciliation we were planning to think about...that's why I'm here, to start over with a normal get it right this time.

Very good article, I agree with it very much...thanks for posting it. Good luck to all the guys in here too, let's hope you fellows have decent girls, have good relationships. This is something for women to think about also.

RE: Four Lines That Should Not be in Your Online Dating Profile

Exactly these are all the lines that I come across on all the profiles on here!!!!!!confused

RE: Could Your Voice Be Holding You Back From Dating Success?

I certainatly don't change my voice cause I want to know somebody or date somebody , and I like to think she doesn't give a damn also !!!!!!!!!! If is no good, it's no good for many other reason's !!!!!!!confused rolling on the floor laughing

RE: How Age Gaps Can Affect a Relationship

Age does matter. ( I never understud a 20 years old looking for a 58 years old). Yes with age difference but in the limits.doh

RE: How much should you tip?

I usually tip between 50 cents and a 1 euro even if the service is included in the bill,
Leaving out the hotel staffs ( that's a another pair of hands ). As you said depends on the quality of the service, being my self an ex hotel receptionist ( Night Auditor ).


RE: Want more dates? Show your face.

yes i agree on that 100%. to me a profile with no pics is 99,9 % missing. saying that sometimes i do reply to people with no pics ( oviously pointing out - where is your pic or wat's wrong with ur pic )rolling on the floor laughing

I hope my picture is ok ?

any advice would be a +

thank youcheers

RE: Want more dates? Show your face.

Well, I'm not really sure if this dating sites really works. I been here twice for almost 3 years, but until now I can't find a right man, hahaha. But actually I still believe whatever deserve for me, it will be without seeking it.:-) God know's.

RE: Five Foods to Make You Happy

wow oopen the eyes on the good stuff!

RE: Understanding What Men Want in a Relationship

It's be careful that you don't push him to the point that you can't resolve the problem, not a a guys needs are greater than a womans, more like, the communication needed to resolve issues can't happen if one person reaches a point where communication is not possible.

RE: Understanding What Men Want in a Relationship

Thanks JacquiG for sharing that info from the seminar, all very interesting. But I wonder why is it that u suggest women be extra careful of the mans needs at the time of an argument, specifically his need for silence. Wouldn't it cut both ways? Why would his needs be greater than hers?

RE: 15 Tips to Help Your Long Distance Relationship Survive

"If your partner misses particular snacks that can only be bought in your home country, send some of those."

oops, better double check the import/export list between the countries first.
a lot of food type items will get the package returned to sender by customs.

RE: Benefits of Bickering: Can Arguing Ever Be a Good Thing?

what? getting into a fight is not fun?

I love having fun debating things that my significant other has a different opinion on, when the topic is something neither of us feel is important. It provides an opportunity to get a discussion going and can open the door to any topic that is important to either, where there is something bothering one of you. That gives you the opportunity to resolve that important issue before it grows into something that can threaten the relationship.

Then the final benefit of the "fight" over something neither of you really care about, you get the kiss and make up after the fight. ]:)

RE: The “Africanisation” of Africans

The lasting impressions of OOGA BOOGA
has come back.

RE: Could Your Voice Be Holding You Back From Dating Success?

oh sure, I'll make sure I use my natural speaking voice on a date. You'll have to pardon the 3 to 5 minute pauses in my conversation while I catch my breath though.
My lung disease actually forces me to be very low volume and raise the pitch of my voice. :/

RE: Does Your Boyfriend Have Something To Hide? 4 Social Networking Warning Signs

oh, you missed one ;)
"He won't put you on ANY of his social networking accounts at all"

unless, like me, there is zero social networking site/service activity, I would say that not adding you at all would be a bad sign.

and yes, no facebook, twitter, reddit, linkedin, instagram, g+ ... [ ad nausium ] accounts for me.
I would rather hear about my friends and loved ones day in person than through intrusive technologies that interrupt your day to inform you.

RE: The Reckless Games Men and Women Play

"Sistahs, we gotta start backing each other up. There's a saying that a man wouldn't cheat if he didn't have anyone to cheat with."

There is a second part to that which is missing, Women have rings [ frequently ] to show they are in a relationship, men don't
so how are you to know if he is a cheating or not?
maybe you should be demanding he wear a ring at all times also.

RE: Ending A Relationship With Class

Is the reason that they were not the person you thought, or is it that over the course of time you simply grew apart?

That is how my marriage died, we grew apart rather than closer. [ having a time zone and international border separating us helped promote that :( ]

Our relationship changed to the point a marriage is not the right expression, we are, and always will be, best friends.

RE: Benefits of Dating Someone Less Attractive

Well, the old, infamous, quote seems to fit here perfectly. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

The "Trophy" life partner relationships frequently fail easily, look for someone that you have more than looks to like about.
While looks definitely help create the initial attraction, they aren't a great criteria for basing a long term relationship on.

RE: Five Easy Ways to Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

Not good, nope, nope, nope. scold scold

I already have to change my powered by caffeine and nicotine signs cause of needing to quit the smoking for my lungs, now you telling me I need to get rid of the caffeine also?

don't you know us geeks need our habits? you trying to destroy the lives that created the internet or something? confused confused confused confused confused confused

RE: Understanding What Men Want in a Relationship

In an assertiveness seminar I attended they had an interesting idea about Communication in a relationship, specifically when it is a disagreement.

Ladies, if you get him emotionally distraught [ pissed off, upset, angry ] you have taken away the majority of his ability to speak.
When a guy says I don't want to talk about it right now, it usually means he is to angry to think or articulate and he needs the time to cool off in order to be able to talk about it.

This is the exact opposite of what happens with women, they get angry / upset, their ability to communicate increases.

The seminar leader suggested that this goes back to before recorded history, men were silently stalking food [ silence and focus required ], women were chattering while gathering food and watching the children [ activities made easier with the group and talk ]

hmm, focus, interesting, ever noticed how hard it can be to distract a guy when he is completely focused on something? Think a highly developed capacity to focus in men from the hunter / gatherer era might have something to do with that? ;)

The silence needed from the same time period made stressful / emotional situations reduce a males capacity to speak.

Like I started with, an interesting idea for the dynamics in a disagreement [ argument / fight ] between a couple.

RE: Why He Liked You Better Before

well, these same type of things do go both ways, where you lose interest in him because of the extra time together and what it reveals.

I figured out long ago that any lasting relationship, the interests we DON'T share are as important to it's health as those we do share. The time apart gives us the space we all need sometimes, and it also gives us things we can talk about with each other where we weren't both there.

I'm not saying it will be a change in my interests,or yours, but talking about what we did with friends other than each other is a good way to keep yourselves together, rather than growing apart from to much time together.

RE: Common Dating Fallacy: “Why Buy the Cow If You Can Get the Milk for Free?”

"and the harsh reality is that there aren't enough good men to go around"

you do know that that is a naturally obvious and intended situation?

When the birth ratio is 9 girls born for every boy, there is never going to be equal numbers so men are a short commodity.

RE: Valentine’s Day for the Unattached: Is it "S.A.D."?

I had been in and out of relationship that can make a Shriner yawn!

banana yawn

RE: A Perfect Valentine’s Day Date: What (definitely) NOT to Do

Ok, after having worked cooking for 20 years I would go for the home cooked dinner, consisting of a mix of both of our favourite dishes [ making sure not to make any that she can't stand, naturally ]
followed by a movie of her choice.

Think that would work for a Valentines date? ;)

RE: Why He Liked You Better Before

Very good advice indeed - sometimes it's hard to notice the spiral you slip into by placing far too much focus on your relationship and too little on your own happiness, independent from how it is going with your man.

RE: 10 Tips a Guy Doesn't Want to Date You

Awesome tips, so true in so many ways. Words to live by.

RE: Does playing hard to get work? How to keep a girl interested in you

Many guys go at this pretty darn often. But it all boils down to "It depends on the girl". Some may be persistent enough to keep pursuing which is a clear indication of attachment and interest. Other may take it as a sign of disinterest. In the latter case it's better to just interact and reveal more about yourself with time. Impressions do change but some girl's impressions of a person changes easier than others. Especially if you express interest in something she is interested in.

RE: 5 Things You Should NOT Do, If You’re NOT Married

I cannot agree more with this article!

Unfortunately, there are some real narcistic, supressing men out there and they prey on women with low self esteem and that are totally unsuspecting (especially if they have not encountered the type and can identify the early warning signs) - in order to not lose this man, they will do basically anything and everything for him. Off course these types of men dangle the "maybe one day I will marry you" carrot of whatever promises they pick up on that the lady might desire.

Please ladies, be vigilant and stand on your rights - if he wants to break it off, let him go. You will be doing yourself a favour at the end of the day!

Be proud, be strong and keep your self-worth

RE: The “Africanisation” of Africans

Hilarious article, but what Boomerang says I agree with. But there are Rastafari Africans, as far as not living the "Babylonian" modern way....

RE: Why Women Pick the Bad Guys.

Wow! I just felt like I was psycho analyzed! This article is so dead on. I came from an abusive childhood, which lead into abusive relationships. The meaner a man was to me; the more I loved him. I took me many years to realize that love DOES NOT hurt. My only hope is that these experiences have not left me damaged for the right guy!

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