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RE: The importance of the headline

The Headline

This paragraph takes me the longest time to think about what to say.

I want to put something eye catching, humerous, different and so you think I can put any of these things down NO, my brain goes to sleep with the Headline.

I try to hard and what eventuates is nothing anyone would like to read more than once if that.

After reading this article, I will try again it is not that I had no idea how important the headline is, that is the problem, I know how important it is and my brain shuts down.

I want to write something equal to Shakespeare or my literary professor, and all I can think of is I am bla bla bla, nothiing.

In conclusion

Most of us have the same problem, from what I have read.

The shortest part of my profile;

That needs a really catchy irrisistable reading, nothing appears that makes a person want to read any more, (Not that I am sure about this), but that is what I think.

How about I start and ask for volunteers to complete my headline, what they would like to read.

Have a great day,

Have a good day, my first time in the US of A, I was so taken with those words (we did not use them in Australia at that time), I found those few words facinating.

A few words can make a difference.

RE: How to Give Your Boyfriend Requested Space

Firstly I am really enjoying these articles;

One thing I have noticed is that it is all for the man. His space etc., don't we woman want our own space? I know I do.

I need time to do my own thing without a man,
To either clean my home, go out with my female friends, spend time on the computer, it is amazing how much I have learnt from this site.

I also have enjoyed cemmenting what I have learnt by writing a comment on the articles I have read.

The thing I did not like about this article is as I have
already mentioned in short, why is it all to please a man.

What about us ladies, don't we have the right to ask/demand/walk away if it becomes to much, something we need from our relationship, (our needs).

It is not always pleasing a man to me, you become a door mat.
I don't think men really appreciate door mats unless they are control freaks, and

I believe this type of man likes the fight if he does'nt get his own way, so for him it is two fold, so leave him alone, unless you want to be a door mat and punching bag.

In conclusion:

I like my quiet times, space whatever you call it, so I can feel refreshed and ready for the next date (which I will be looking forward to much more after the break for myself).

The lady who was worried about being overweight to me you looked great. You have nothing to worry about, and take my compliment as it is sent to you, with my siincere best wishes, if a man loves you he loves the package you are, the total you, your soul, mentality, and looks.


RE: Wowing a First Date

I think this article was very interesting, I really enjoyed reading it and I also learnt some interesting points for my first online date (which I am in a turmoil about before I have been even asked out).

I think the point that stood out for me was
To Be Myself, no acts or B/S, how long can any woman keep an act going?. Myself not for long and if I end up really liking the guy I realise what a mess I have got myself into.

I really like my first date and he thinks I am someone else who either he likes or who puts him off.
What a shame, was my self esteem so low I did not think I was good enough so I needed to be someone I was'nt especially at my age 53.

Thank goodness I have grown out of pretending and if I make a big boo boo at least he did'nt like me the real me.

I am OK as a woman and the first date no matter what age is anxiety provoking so as the article says if I have my plan (my questions and interests in my head) I am not as likely to get tongue tied and boring.

I do like to look good, but that has been me for as long as I can remember, so it is not an act if he gets scared off he is running from ME.

Introduce myself that is a good one I would have thought it comes naturally but if I am anxious I might forget and not start the date from the beginning, it also shows good manner. It could start a good conversation about my home town and his as well as the conversation follows. I must remember it is not all about me, I don't want to have to do all the talking a content silence gives us time to get our thinking into gear.

Thank you for the article

RE: 9 Signs Your Relationship is Over

Very nice article and all points are true, in my opinion.

RE: Get More Views to Your Profile

Hi everyone! I would like to take this moment to say a big thank you to Connecting singles creators! I think you made a wonderful creationcheering !

RE: Surviving the Breakup: Rules to Live By

Awesome tips and all true, having just gone through all of it I highly recommend anyone to follow this advice - wish I had seen this earlier, it would have helped!

RE: The many ways to change your mood

Dear Candy,

That was a really lovely article you wrote. So positive!
I hope it's working for you.

You seem like a lovely person.

It's like a breath of fresh air reading your tips and advice
when there's a lot of negativity and moaning out there.

You stay good to yourself - you're worth it!
thanks dancing dog

Fun with the MIDI (long forgotten?) Music Format !!

MIDI is the MUSIC Format, but also the MIDI Standard Interface (Music Instrument Digital Interface) - the 5-pin DIN plug (like the 1st IBM PC's keyboard connector had), however it seems that also here the USB 2.0 (and USB 3.0) Standard is slowly going to take over.

For reference, also see:

RE: Heritage: Scottish Mythology/Lore "Nymphs"

Thanks for this informative article. I have been curious about the stories behind the myths. I was just to lazy to look it up. doh

RE: Four Lines That Should Not be in Your Online Dating Profile

Excellent, sensible advice, but not a lot of evidence that it has been heeded, despite the abundance of readers. Perhaps you've hit a nerve!

RE: Flatten Your Belly with These Healthy Tips

I always do yoga and meditation to stay out from fat and this writings will help me to live better .peace

RE: Are You a Doormat in Your Relationship?

What the contributor is referring to is Codependency. It's okay to share yourself. It's okay to allow others to share themselves. It's okay to help others, or to simply be an ear for others to voice their concerns, fears, etc. It is okay to establish boundaries.

It is not okay to sacrifice your well-being for someone else. It is not okay to be a doormat. It is not okay to be taken advantage of. In the way that it is okay to establish boundaries, it is okay to not tolerate when someone violates those boundaries. Be mindful of when someone is violating your space and boundaries, and never be afraid to inform them.

'I feel' is better than 'You are'. It's a view, and can avoid a heated discussion. Plus, you get the chance to practice telling about how YOU feel.

Codependency is a disease, and is real. I have been in recovery for over four years. I'm far from perfect, but I love who I am, as well as how far I've grown. I embrace the changes I have made, as well as accept that I will spend my life in recovery. I attend meetings, know my resources, and utilize the tools in my 'toolbox' to keep myself centered, grounded, and real.

Compared to the 'tools' that were forced onto me as a child, these are so much safer, and help me keep some sense of sanity.

RE: Are You a Doormat in Your Relationship?

I think that galaxy is quite right. That having been said, I can only give my opinion from my point of view, and I am a woman.
I really have to work at not pleasing him on all counts and counting my own needs. That is difficult when the person comes out of warped relationship. All one can do is be kind and understanding to both yourself and the other person. But above all else do not always put their needs before yours.

RE: The many ways to change your mood

thank you this really help me with my mood for todayyay

RE: How to let her go after the first few dates

To all that it takes a man ... Now that's a problem !

RE: My Addiction to Passionate Men

With respect too, I think you are the kind of women that passionate,self-centered guys need just for short breaks. I do not see anything wrong in guys like that (and the cases of narcisism and other patologies...well, who does not have something wrong inside...?) and I do not see anything too bad in women like that either, apart from their disability to accept their condition.

I suppose if women like you love this kind of guys, it is fine. You can share and learn a lot from them, if that is the case but do not pester them with your demands of control and silly fairy-tales of possesing him. Many of this kind of men are to me, a rejection from biology toward the artificial and harmful model of monogamy and family-life created by our materialistic life. Many of them are just makers or simply dreamers trying to escape from the classic models of life many women strive to draw them back. They are heroes, you are the villains.

My advice is (well nobody has asked me for that...but my own passionate nature tells me to do so): have a good time with them, enjoy the time together and just let them go. Nobody has the right, for having had some sort of intimacy with someone else, to try to control, to pretend to have found the "one" to share her/his life, and torment him/her with "loving" demands.

RE: "Heaven and Earth"

You're right, nobody seems interested.

I am ready to share recipes if somebody ask me but not to write for nothing.

RE: 4 Signs He’s Not Interested in You

Re 1: Mobile networks will not guarantee instantaneous delivery of an SMS, network congestion will slow this down, and only to a mobile that is connected to the network.

RE: My Addiction to Passionate Men

with sound like a dizzy girl who needs to grow up!

RE: Susan Boyle.. Why are we shocked?

I have the same problem Susan has - being judged for my looks, or at least I assume that's why I'm always being rejected without even a second look. One woman told my sister, "He's okay as a friend, but not as a boyfriend. I also have been told by a bunch of women that I am too sweet. Well, I'm sorry, ladies, but a leopard can't change his spots. Like Popeye the Sailor Man said, "I yam what I yam what I yam." I would rather be the way I am and not change a thing, than to turn into someone who treats women badly and who doesn't treat women with respect. I don't want to toot my own horn, but I really am a great guy, and if people can't look past my looks to see that, then it's their loss. So, I'll just carry on with life, and be happy and grateful for what I do have, secure in the knowledge that one day things will be better for me.

The preceeding brought to you by me, who is solely responsible for its contents. I approved this message. I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Beam me up, Scotty!

RE: Ten Common First Date Mistakes Women Make

number 6 is ridiculous

only a total wimp would feel emasculated if a woman paid for a date..if shes working and has a few euro..why shouldnt she pay

but if she insisted on paying all the time, i wouldnt for one min think its because she thinks i cant afford..i would feel shes just a control freak

and mines a budwesier..cheers! beer

RE: Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Marriage

Question #1. Why?

Question #2. Why?

Question #3. Why?

RE: Get More Views to Your Profile

somebody Is there with real love ... I want to fall In love with someone who loves me as much as I love them!

RE: Get More Views to Your Profile

hey my name Is john, I want a real woman In my life. I'm a hard working man and I do pay my own bills. I want some one that will love me for me. I love shopping sports and hanging out and I want to meet the woman of my dreams !

RE: The Dilemma of Broken Engagements

Never happened to me so far. Guess I've been lucky so far (at least in the second marriage.)

Good article, with great advice, but my personality would never let me back out of an engagement.

RE: Are You a Turnoff?

:) Change is not a bad thing, if u think you're changing for the better or improving yourself... why not? go ahead ...

RE: Let Go and Move on – How to Cope With Feelings for an Ex

i love the lines in the song from big wreck (wolves) "bleed out your heart, if it's still beating, for someone else...break all those chains that keep you tethered, that keep you safe"

made me realize so hard in that moment that i will never be able to love another until i let go of the one that chooses not to be with me...

RE: Get More Views to Your Profile

Great article Im looking for a leo man in the kent area age between 45 and 60 so hard to find.

RE: Let Go and Move on – How to Cope With Feelings for an Ex

thank you for this brilliant article. it's so true and what i needed

RE: 4 Signs You Are A Submissive Girlfriend

wonderful - tks i'm thankful for the read

RE: Understanding Prenuptial Agreements

It should also be noted that prenups can be contested by either party. Prenups are not ironclad, esp. as matrimonial laws change. Changes in the law can invalidate prior contractual arrangements. Courts also have the power to strike agreements that are contrary to common decency, or those that are immoral, etc. Given certain circumstances or changes in the couple's life (material, health, children, etc.), one cannot necessarily assume that the contract is enforceable. An important factor is time, for example.

Another issue to consider are prenups where one or both parties are citizens or residents of countries other than the one they plan to live in. What may be upheld in one country may not hold in another. It can get really complex and expensive in such circumstances.

RE: 4 Signs He’s Not Interested in You

1. I don't alwsys hear the phone ringing, and sometimes don't discover a text for one or two days later, when it's already too late to answer. Just because a text doesn't get answered is no reason he doesn't like you. In my case, chances are I'd love to be joined at the hip!

2. Some of us, me included, are way too shy to ask a woman for a date. Some of us aren't chasers, and have to rely on the woman to make the first move. Once a woman makes the first move, then it's easier for a guy to ask her out, because he knows basically where stands at that point.

3. If my friends called me when I was with my sweetie, I would tell them I would call them back later. If they approached us in person, I would politely tell them to buzz off and I might connect when I could. My sweetie comes first.

4. My place is basically a typical bachelor pad (even though I have others living here), with all that that entails. Example, a bit of mess here and there, not exactly presentable for company. If I visited her place and saw that it was immaculate and hospital-clean, I might be a bit intimidated. However, if she really wants to see my place, come on over and look the place over.

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