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RE: Does Real Love exist??????

well i do belive love does exsist, i was married to my husband for 33 years m e loved one another very deelpy, my boys will tell you that , i loss my husband toa desease , that took his life , after 4 yrs of dyalsis , and its time too move on with my life and i am ready to find some one , and i think i have finally found him, i cant say i love him by far just yet , but do care deelpy for him , so yes love does exsist, you just have be willing to understand and bea good listener, and caring loving lady , and if hes the right guy he will fall for you madly in love ,,

RE: Does Real Love exist??????

First we have to define what love is only then can the question be asked

RE: Relationship Dating: Building Successful Relationships

Great article and very sound advice. It takes work to keep a relationship working.

RE: Yes, you can heal your broken heart...

Very good and touching article Fairiewitch thumbs up

RE: Can Women Be Funny?

Who wrote that? a 13 yr old a 83 yr old,a male or a female,or maybe a well trained monkey?

That is one person or persons point of view,since 'IT' has no profile,pic,or any kind of credentials,the statistic free information can only be taken on the cuff.In the future this connectingsingles persona could be take seriously if 'IT' had a Profile like we have to.That being said...
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

I find women comedians extremely funny if not funnier than their male counterparts,and one dosen't outnumber the other gender...but then again,that's just MY point of view

RE: Does Real Love exist??????

Does Real Love exist?????? Many of you would say, yes indeed, I'd say no. (...) Having a relationship when everything is romance it might sounds awsome but real love is shown when the couple is going trhu problems and the key is to work them out together.

OP, you are committing the fallacy of equivocation, or else you are not making sense.

You open by saying that real love does not exist, (as a concept, as a feeling, as a something) and then later you say that real love is shown when... and you state a number of conditions.

This is something you must be aware of when you write: the logical constructs must fit. You can't say that something does not exist, and then continue with the understanding that it exists.

If this situation arises, you must state how a number of occurrances of the same term in your text are different in meaning. You shouldn't let the reader figure out for himself that you are okay. You must give that impression ab ovo if you want to be read by serious readers.

RE: Does Real Love exist??????

Sorry, but I seem to be reading something different here. Maybe I'm wrong; but I suspect calling and dumping your bad day on someone on a regular basis is not's dependancy. Once or twice about something, ok. After awhile......get over it!
Also; showing up at 7am with my favorite coffee on a regular basis would feel more like mistrust than love.

All this drama ( and they say it's womendoh )

Giving a woman diamonds and calling yourself generous is not true if she wanted a burritto. mistrust is not love it is insecutity.

Men and women should get together to lift each other and their spiritsup; not to dump all their crap on each other. Everybody has bad things happen to them. It is not what happens to you but how you handle it.

RE: Can Women Be Funny?

Forget the comediennes and comedians. Observe your social circles.

In my social circles to date, there have been mildly funny men and women, up to about one or two in each of ten people in the room, more-or-less, randomly. Some guys garner a guffaw from the crowd, and in one large circe (diameter of several dozens of metres) there were three men who could get a guffaw every meeting, about two good ones each time. Women in this circle, however, were lacking in making jokes. One woman was witty, but in a very mild and non-confrontational way.

There was a third guy who had good stories, and a quiet guy who was subtly humoured. The third guy had got stuck in his stories at around age 50, and could not learn more new ones. So he kept repeating them. The quiet guy died. Nice guys never finish.

So four to one in that circle, in favour of funny men over funny women.

In all my other circles combined, I remember two guys who were always entertaining, sometimes via humour, but more likely in a challenging way. I remember two guys who were wildly funny with everything they said. In these "other" circles, there were two women I had the pleasure of knowing them for their senses of humour. One was wildly funny, actually the only woman I have ever known personally who said something wildly funny each time she opened her mouth. The other one was more subdued in her humour, she was kinder and less biting in her jokes. This latter one was struggling to survive cancer, and for at least 25 years she has been winning the battle. But it has been a bitter, depressing, angering, and unfair fight she has felt she has had to wage. She lost 98 percent of her faith in god through this ordeal.

So in the other circles, combined, the ratio was four to two. For the men again.

Now. I don't thing men have better senses of humour or women are more withdrawn and shy, or more afraid of performing in front of crowds. I also don't think that women would feel the pressure to act "feminine" in front of people which includes acting on stage, but not as a comedienne.

I think it all boils down to Asperger's. Asperger's is a form of mental disease, which manifests in many ways, and one of them is not being able to tell how the action of the A's guy is going to affect other humans. This is a huge difficulty, for then the A's say sometimes really inadequate things in crowds, simply because they don't have an innate feeling and premonition to know, which other, normal people do have, to know how the crowd will be affected.

But humour is a behaviour which can be learned through hard work and practice, and it is still easier for a Asperger's sufferer to learn than to learn how to behave otherwise.

The social circles stuff showed to me that as a norm, men have better senses of humour. The fact that in my samples where I observed the humour-stuff dispersion among the population there was no pressure to conform to any social norm of expectations re: femininity and shyness, shows that the true self of humans makes men more frequently humour-producing than it makes women that. At around a three-to-one ration.

The fact that the trhee-to-one ratio gets blown up into a hundred-to-one ratio once we talk professionals or public performers of humour, it shows that having Asperger's, and thus once having it, then the ticket to gaining acceptance of society at large IS via producing humour.

Oh, many more men suffer from Asperger's than women, I don't know if I have already said that.

RE: Online Dating Mistakes to Avoid

silkcut123dublin, Dublin Ireland
i was just reading that gentleman's comment saying a lady had her self down as never married but she was actually divorced. there could be a good reason that the lady said that. in the eyes of the law she is single. every country has different rules. in my country if you get a high court annulment the marriage is completely scraped from the records. its as though it never took place. and i no because i went through it so what do i put myself down as single, divorced, in the eyes of the law its single,

Waitta second.

So you get married, you have kids, you divorce, you get an annulment.

You are single-again in the religious sense.

You don't realize this, lady, but what does it do to your children? What it does is they become in one fell swoop, illegitimate. The marriage into which they were born, never existed.

I am sorry to say so, and pardon the piquancy of the language, but your children are now bantings.

RE: What makes a man a Gentleman???????????

Thank you,

I was on page 5 before I found anything interesting to read.

RE: The Playground, . . 1st Lesson in Chance meetings

saw gal at buffet,we went to 1st grade on,made me think,where did the time go/class of 1974,when we were playground buddies,we just smiled n went our ways.

RE: Relationship Dating: Building Successful Relationships

I don't understand how love can ever be unconditional.

For instance, a woman loves her son or husband or mother unconditionally. Fine. But there is a condition there still, that the object of the woman's love be her offspring, or partner, or parent. That's a condition already.

If someone has truly unconditional love, it's gotta be truly unconditional, and therefore not be limited to anyone or anything; the instant this someone excludes someone or something from the list of loved ones, then the excluded person or thing must have some quality that makes it impossible to be loved by the unconditionally loving person; and if there is a quality that makes the object of would-be love excluded, that quality is a condition for grounds to be not loved; and therefore the lack of that quality is a condition that must be satisfied.

So unconditional love means loving the entire creation, or any subset and all subsets of it. Failure to do so makes the lover's love conditional.

RE: 10 Reasons to Avoid Dating a Married Man

Would ye really need 10 reasons , one reason is enough for me if a woman is married grin

RE: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

You had better believe they are real.
I lived with one for a number of years.
My ex wife and children have all seen and heard what I have.
I have because of this come across plenty of people who have had similar experiences.

Foot steps, objects in mid air etc.... the whole time we were not in fear.

RE: Online Dating Site Scammers: 5 Signs You May Be Flirting With One

Who are these scammers?

How do we know how many there are out there? there may be only one, doing all the work alone, all by him- or herself.

Are these men or women white, black, or yellow? Are they poor, rich, or middle-class? Are they short, tall, fat, or horizontal?

Are they greedy, having fun, or just obeying orders?

Are they men and women who are disgruntled with society? Are they bitter because of how life treated them, and therefore they are bent on getting back on mankind? A sort of going postal the cyber-way?

Why am I hungry? I just ate a half hour ago.

RE: What kind of man suitable for me in my opinion?

I hope you can spoil me like a _great number of cooks__, I hope you can teach me and protect me like a _correctional officer in a witness protection program__, I hope you can love me like a _boxer loves his glove, shorts, muzzle and ferrari testarossa__.

RE: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

U r a total Idiot if u don't believe! They r real and you can get haunted. TO THE POSTER: Hope u get haunted for not believing. U don't see them coming but they will getcha LMAO

Calicogirl, the POSTER is on your side. She believes in ghosts. She just started her article in a chanllenging way, with a literary trick that has a name but I don't know it.

RE: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Ev're Christian lionhearted man believes in ghost.

The Holy Spirit, that is, the Holy Ghost.

Otherwise he is not Christian.

RE: What kind of man suitable for me in my opinion?

I hope you can spoil me like a _bacterial culture__, I hope you can teach me and protect me like a _barrister and solicitor__, I hope you can love me like a _thirsty elephant's trunk at a watering hole__.

Amenda, I am an Amender, an Amender of Ladies' Valour under Siege. I amend like you wouldn't believe. So be the will of the Lord be done, Amend.

(P.s. to other contestants: Amenda did not say that it has to be one and the same specific word in all three spaces. Where did you get that assumption from? No indication of a request to do that.)

RE: A New Trend in Pets – the Hedgehog

Do they have pets yet that clean up their own eliminations? Is this hedgehog one like that? Now, THAT would be a pet I could abide with.

Or maybe solar-powered hedgehogs, that need no food or water, they operate on sunlight.

I used to know a den of lions, that used whole hedgehogs as combs to groom their pet bears. Symbioticism, here I come.

One question: All the pets I owned liked to sleep on their stomachs, sides, backs. (Even my aquarium fish, past their deadline.) If this hedgehog you are pushing is sleeping on my lap, all of a sudden flops over to his back... won't that hurt? Am I liable to scream in agony and fling the hapless hedghog across the room, out into the yard, to reunite with his beloved hedges? Or do tamed hedgehogs find hedges to be dredges?

In all, ladies and gentlemen, I am not sold on the hedgehog-as-a-pet idea. I mean, it can sleep in my lap, and that's about the size of it, if I read you right. Well. Hoopla hoo.

I want more excitement out of my pet, for my money. I want it to jump through flaming hoops, I want it to dance the foxtrot, I want it to speak several languages and have passed O-level Geography exams. I won't budge until I can go into any pet store, with pride and with dignity, and ask for a hedgehog who can sign complicated insurance forms and sing "La Traviata" in at least two keys.

It can have fun with a toilet-roll core? And you call THAT intelligent?

J. Murphy. Can I interest you in my boy? He is a total genius. He can count up to twenty. I'll swap him for a hedgehog of yours that without prodding cleans the chimney and the air ducts on a regular schedule.

RE: Are You Making These First-eMail Mistakes?

Very good advice, one to six. I keep reading this, and I wonder how come people are writing things like that?

I do admit I have written initial emails to women only to tell them that I admired their looks. But it wasn't a three-word sentence; I would make it into a ten-paragraphy mini-essay, extolling sheerly their wonderful appearance. In these texts, I would digress to their aesthetically lesser features, and explain why those were not distracting, but adding to the general effect of their effervescent beauty.

I get all kinds of spam email on this site, nothing else, nothing more. It's getting tiresome. One email a day, from a beauty in the far east, in places like "Oslo, Dung-Dung province, Myanmar", or "Kansas City, Chai-woo province, Peoples' Republic of China". The girls are nice, no doubt, friendly and full of valour. But they are there, and I am here. I say on my profile I am dirt poor. What do they want from me? They say they read my profile, and they liked it, but mention nothing recognizable that refers to the same profile. A bit of a pesky, nasty, gnatty habit.

You know what I noticed? That what gets a reply, for sure, is picking a tiny bit of something (concept, fact, attitude, etc.) out of a correspondent's profile, and saying something that is not long, very to the point, and challenging the status they present in that something. Nothing ever develops from this, of course; I am a short, fat man, have never met anyone on a date off the sites that would lead to a second date, and in twelve years I had fewer first dates than I can count. Or even fewer than I can count on one hand.

RE: Telltale Signs that Someone is Lying

The list from one to five is good, very good. I never realized how so many people knew when I was lying.

I usually gulp. My voice gets shakey. And it's in those times when I am NOT lying, but suspect very strongly that others suspect I am lying and I have no foolproof way to show I am not lying. Like when I have a large TV screen to sell, that works well, and has all kinds of plugs, because I am moving, and it's heavy (despite being a flat LCD tv). Anyone I tell it's only three months old, and works well, I fear they will think I am trying to pull the wool over their eyes, so I gulp and my voice gets shakey.

That said, there are two more surfire way of telling if someone is lying. In East German Kommunist torturer's training school, in the course Interrogation 238 they tell the students that if someone repeats a line almost or indeed verbatim, that is a lie that he and his subversive friends memorized, and swore to stick to. If an interrogant screams and gets angry, he is very likely to be innocent of the crime, but of course not of crimes we are not asking at the moment, so torture and execution is ALWAYS in order.

The other surefire way is that the interrogant withstands extreme pain that the interrogator subjects him into. In the old times this was not so apparent, because the pain induced by driving hot nails into soft tissues, or poking the eyes out, or making him or her hang upside down and lowering the interrogant into a pool of human waste, were simply not painful enough. Now with the wonderful invention of electroshock method, nobody can withold information for long. So this is another way of knowing if someone lied in the beginning of the interrogation sessions.

RE: What kind of man suitable for me in my opinion?

spoil me like a princess , teach and protect me like a child , love me like a woman . dunno ...... your wording is correct , but it looses something in the translation

RE: Some women can be as bad as some of the men!!!

can i get her number...i have sympathy for her and what motivated her to do this...and i have no interest in sleeping with her ..but her husband now!!!!!

RE: The Danger in Dating a Control Freak

There all sorts of control, one way is to tell you they won't and can't change behaviour you think is negative for them and you. And you end up resenting the feelings you feel knowing deep down they are insecure. When they leave you by email and then call back and say it was a mistake and you give them one more chance and then the calls become none existant. You end the relationship but they have to get the last word by saying they actually found someone else and fell inlove from first sight. Is this the way men really behave? Luckily they come across someone like me that understands their behaviour a whole lot better than them.

RE: Do You Believe in Ghosts?

U r a total Idiot if u don't believe! They r real and you can get haunted. TO THE POSTER: Hope u get haunted for not believing. U don't see them coming but they will getcha LMAO

Such as young children, older people, the disabled, people that take illegal substances, the weak, the fearful, and those people that practiced certain tactics as witchcraft, sorcery, voodo, black magic.

I AM a strong confident woman and had horrible experiences with this subject. So has a lot of my family. Before u try to demean people for who they are and what they do.... GET UR F N FACTS STREIGHT!

RE: "Just friends" between a man and a women: myth or reality?

There is a difference between "Can it happen?" and "Is it common?" I believe it CAN happen and does on a regular basis. However, I do not believe it is a common situation. There are all different levels of friendship. I have friends at work who are women but we do not all go out clubbing together after work. If a girl is being pursued by a man and says "I just want us to be friends" I believe that is usually not going to happen.

RE: Telltale Signs that Someone is Lying

Also: Touching ones face while speaking is a fair indication, as is looking "down and away". The first is a fairly good Poker tell and the second is actually used in acting to "indicate" a lie because it is so recognizable.

RE: How to Dress to Attract a Man: A Guide for Women over 40

@ eaglewoman hats off to u, i totally agree with you ! i dress the way i feel like dressing! cheering cheering cheering

Never drop your standards

My response to comment number 2 is simply, you have clearly pointed out that in the section of my profile What I'm looking for that I wrote "He has to be funny and be able to make me laff, He has to be funny and be able to make me laff," I simply wasn't bothered filling it out at the time so typed that in and was told by admin that more had to be added which I just copied and pasted it again, hope that cleared that up for u and yes I can spell but its so much easier typing in text short hand don't ya think???? and as for me not having a picture up here, I very rarely use this site so never got round to it, and for the rest of the crap u wrote I'm not even gona bother responding to as I cudn't care less what you think and as for women in Ireland having high standards and not being very bright well ill tell ya 1 thing there bright enuf to stay away from u.

Never drop your standards

In response to the 1st comment left, are you an expert on Irish women's standards and that of the standards of the rest of women in Europe, Jesus you must surely get around, Because I've always been told by foreign men Especially Italians that Irish women are a lot more friendly than Women from there own countries, so maybe it just boils down to the fact that Irish woman don't have the highest standards in Europe but just choose not to go out with yourself

RE: Never drop your standards

Oh and one more thing for all you Irish women...stop wearing so much makeup!really just stop it,i seen one women on a sunny day with tons of makeup on and i thought i seen her face melt and move.Why so much makeup?no guy likes tasting makeup.

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